
“Values” mean to us:
Sustainability, consistency, social responsibility, win-win for all parties involvedigten

“to build” means to us:
Acting, tackling, professionalism, general planning, innovation, flexibility

“plannable” means for us:
Predictability, safety, building and trade competence, goal orientation, minimizing risks and stress.

  • Structural regulations ensure the long-term survival of the company
  • In our corporate culture, we remain an owner-managed medium-sized company
  • The shareholders are expressly committed to this structure
  • Leadership enables employees to identify strongly with their company
  • Honesty and trust are key values of our leadership culture
  • We live unity in the management team
  • The distribution of tasks within the management team is clearly defined
  • We create defined freedom for personal responsibility
  • Employees are an essential success factor in our company
  • Every employee contributes responsibly to the team
  • Employees are deployed according to their potential
  • Agreed targets form the basis for target/actual comparisons
  • We systematically qualify employees
  • Qualification opens up perspectives in the company
  • We develop professional holistic problem solutions around the project
  • We drive projects forward and tackle challenges actively
  • We continuously develop new clients and business fields
  • The product range is constantly being further developed
  • We identify and occupy promising market niches at an early stage
  • We professionally weigh up the opportunities and risks of business segment development
  • The “SWP” as a brand has a high recognition value
  • Consistent marketing binds our partners to the company
  • We appear on the market as a project team and deal fairly with each other.
  • Pride in our own performance is the basis for a successful market presence
  • Each employee sees himself as a representative of the company.
  • Cleanliness and order on the construction site and in the office are a reflection of the company.

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